Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Helena Anastassiadou and Marco Adda propose ideas for TriBuana Theatre meeting at la Luna nel Pozzo, Italia, avril 2006.

Marco offer thought/ideas for the meeting avril 2006 at la Luna nel Pozzo.:

Dear Tapa, I hope you are fine. I’ve wrote something for tribuanic
blog, i tried to put it on the web but it didn’t work.. Can you try,
please? Thanks for all the preparation work you have already done on
the web; I wish everybody will give a contribute and it cuold be useful
for all. I’m thinking around the meeting of April, it will put us to
the test. It already do that. I hope we all will be in a good condition
and a good feeling to sharing the tribuana way with the new
partecipant, with the public, with the nature; to renew our
The best for you.
Sometimes we have so much expectations about a certain meeting that we
wait it with enthusiasm but when the moment come we could be
disappointed. It’s so important to have expectations but it’s also
important not to be inactive during the waiting. To Do, before the
meeting, to prepare ourself, (just like we prepare ourself when we have
a rendez-vu with a new girlfriend or boyfriend..).
To wait in action; it could be the secret of the success. So I propose
to everybody who wants to take part at this meeting-stage-open door-
rendez-vu to prepare him/herself. As we want and as we can, following
our attitudes: if we like to read, read! If we like to paint, paint!
If we know some exercises for body or mind, practise them! Then turn
who we are on so we will meet in April already alive. Who knows
Tribuana’s work knows it should start before the meeting and it
continues a lot of time after the meeting: everybody can consider it
and take it easy!
Anyway for doing a good fire we need every kind of wood: thin for the
sparks, big for the duration; so wathever you are you will be right.
Most important think is to be “dry” and ready.
We wait you with joy.

Marco ADDA

Helena Anastassiadou propose ideas for the meeting Tribuana theatre at la Luna nel Pozzo, avril 2006.

Chers tribuanas,

une image venue en lisant le theatre barometrique.Je l'ecris comme proposition pour La Luna del Pozzo:mouvement constant de l' atmosphere montre' par des siffles et des sons rythmiques des acteurs -spectateurs ,qui sont parmis le public.Les 4 elements,l'eau,l'air,le feu,le bois sont sur la scene et se melangent constamment en gardant leur originalite.5eme element,le souffle constant de la vie-terre,donne le rythme.En meme temps, bruit de bataille par les spectateurs-acteurs. Au milieu de ce mouvement ,un enfant-ou le petit prince-immobile,triste?,trouve enfin sa fleur-ou sa memoire,son idee,son jouet-et s'adresse aux spectateurs-acteurs qui s'immobilisent progressivement et enlevent leur masque.C'est en ce moment que la chanson de la terre ,de la terre libre s'entend et..l'histoire commence.

J'espere que q.q le traduit en Anglais.

Amitie'. Helena Anastassiadou

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