To open the way of “the three worlds”/TRIBUANA
Tribuana, Tapa Sudana proposes :
THE 9 STEPS, step how to advance in work, for
actor as well as for director.
- Concentration, to be here now, follow the centre, always with the centre. To understand and aware that the centre is never fix, always flowing, and may be invisible and incomprehensible.
- Perception, observation, - five senses; perceive through 5 senses. Practising daily exercise.
- Experiences. Memories. Vocabularies, ready tools/instruments/means to be used. The crystal of experiences, to be expressed in the 5th step.
- Imagination, association, mental power, mental work. Prepare the expression mentally, "imaginatively" before letting grow / go.
- Expression, letting go, letting grow.
- Projection, sharing, transmission. In this step start communicating, aware of others partner/participants. A bit aware of spectator, of other observers.
- Rhythm, be alive. Aware of surrounding, spectators etc. (more aware than step 6.)
- Essence. Message. Extract the essentials, the meaning. The "thing" that will last longer, forever. Long life.
- Harmony. Naturally, universally, cosmic awareness. Tao, Union. Yug =Yoga. Natural symphony with surrounding.
- To Respect and cultivate one's own honourable nature, with dignity.
- To be sincere, honest, direct, clear and simply essential.
- To honour one's own job, work, profession,art, knowledge.
- To be in Harmony with surrounding.
- To awaken and just-good-inner-mastering, with inner smile please.
/ Parameters. / Consideration.
- The three worlds: body, emotion, thought. Tribuana.
- yin-yang, positive –negative, up–down, in-out world, past-future, left-right. Duality reference Complementarity..
- Jo – Ha – Kiu : start(birth)-development( forward climax) -conclusion (metamorphose).
- Natural cycle: Spring – summer – autumn – winter.
- Birth/start – life – death/finish.
- Gift/talent - -effort/work – chance/destiny.
- Rhythm – melody – accord / harmony.
- Space/place – time – situation.
- Thought - speech - action
- Inner impulsion – bones – action.
- Actor – story/message – spectator. Three principal theatrical elements, to be aware in acting.
- Movement, song/music, text
- Origin/root – the way –the aim –criteria of satisfaction/fulfill ness.
- Musicality: rhythm, melody, harmony/accord.
- In theatre space respond, reality and idea are the guide.
- To be or not to be, flow to follow, be a follower, good fellow. Not over or below in acting, just flow naturally. 3 elements to be aware of: 1.human/actor of life, 2.surrounding, 3."God Creator".
- How to be on stage when time and space in action?
- Regret, can't get it again. Forget! Alert and aware: money, knowledge, in joy is in TIME. In present there is great PRESENT, make past and future present.
9 ETAPES de travail Tribuana:
- CONCENTRATION : ici, là, maintenant, suivre le centre, avec/avoir le centre en soi, « je suis celui qui suit, donc j’y suis ».
- PERCEPTION, observation, prendre, apprendre, exercice à répéter, ouverture et prendre avec/ absorber à travers les cinq sens. Perception sphérique, apprendre en pratique quotidienne (régulière) des exercices appris.
- EXPERIENCE, devenu mémoire, mémoire se cristallise en compréhension, compréhension devenue science et vocabulaire. Vocabulaire c’est la bibliothèque de base de langage pour communiquer, pour expression, expression des trois mondes.
- IMAGINATION, énergie/force mental. Travail mental, travail virtuel. Imaginer que je suis en train de faire ceci, comme ça comme ci, avec ça, à croitre les capacité de s’associer, association, socialisation, intégration avec l’entourage, base d’improvisation. Imaginer au de la de la matière, su delà des mots, au delà des sons.
- EXPRESSION. S’exprimer pour soi, reproduire fruit de l’expérience (avec ou sans interprétation) en expression des trois mondes, Tribuana : pensée, parole/voix --voie, action physique. Jusqu’à étape 5, c’est le travail personnel, n’est pas encore partager, étape Pratyahara de Astangga Yoga, regarde attentive examinant vers l’intérieure.
- PROJECTION, partage, transmettre. Etape performance/spectacle avec des spectateurs. Ici, le partage en concertation, mais il ne sera pas au complet sans vitalité vivante, la vie, l’envie donc : rythme du cœur.
- VIE, RYTHME. Réalité vivant. Just get it, just beat it, joy in heart-beat, don’t let being beaten ! stupid ? ah, stop it ! Get together for the joie to célébration. In Joy!
- ESSENCE, message. L’essentielle qui durera (le parfum, l’esprit de « la chose », le message essentielle) qui durera plus longtemps que sa présence, que sa matière.
- HARMONIE, Grand Nature, Sphérique. Univers. Yoga (Yug, en sanskrit = Union) TAO. But ultime :union, étape où on fait « la chose » naturellement harmonieuse mystérieusement. Le mystère est incompréhensible puisque nous y sommes compris dedans. Autre référence, pour étape 9, à renouveler, révélation de MOKSHA.
Des Repères
- JO HA KIU : conscience de l'évolution, de la vie toujours en développement. Rien n’est resté stagnant sans changement. Commencement, développement vers le climax, quelque chose se termine/s’arrête/disparaît, conclusion, métamorphose, la fin c’est le début d'autre chose, d’une commencement de nouveau JO-HA-KIU.
- Naissance, vie, mort. Qui naît – meurt. Ou il y a un « début » se termine par une « fin » ; = métamorphose/ transformation un état à vivre pleinement, avec joie, s’il y en a, il faut mieux. A observer et examiner que dans chaque système / réalité présenté il y a des éléments qui se transforment et continue se développer ou il y a qui doivent être disparaître.
- Le cycle de la nature : automne - hiver - printemps - été - été indien comme miroir ou repaire guidant / inspirant.
- Pensée, paroles, action : Manachika, wachika, kayika.
- Lieu, temps, situation : desa, kala, patra.
- Don/talent – Effort/travail – Chance/destin/moment juste à saisir.
- Acteur/scène – Histoire/texte/message – Spectateur. Éléments essentiels pour théâtre.
- Trois mondes = TriBuana, Tri Bhuwana : conscience du corps, de l’émotion, de la pensée ? Passée – Présence - Future.
- Conscience de l’impulsion interne, des muscles et des os. (Repères pour mouvement.)
- Mouvement, rythme/musicalité/chant, texte/pensée. (repères pendant improvisation)
- Musicalité : rythme, mélodie, accord/harmonie.
- Yin-yang, positive-négative, haut–bas, masculine–féminine, bon ou pas bon, gauche-droite, passé-future, vide-plein, souple-raide, lumière-ombre, grand-petit, etc. repère sur les dualités. Dualité polaire, dualité contradictoire, dualité complémentaire, comme la main gauche et main droite, faisons Namasté.
- Le monde interne, le monde externe. Conscience extérieure, conscience intérieure. Entre Moi et Toi il y a SOI. O–I. M-T-S. Ciel et Terre se fusionne en Soi vivant.
- A savoir l’origine / la racine « des choses », son fonctionnement (comment ça marche) et ou il va. Quand on boire de l’au mieux savoir la fontaine qui l’alimente.
- Dans le théâtre : l’espace répond, (ils sont là : l’invisible à rendre visible. Savoir vivre le réel et l’irréel/l’idée)
- Dit ça, quand vous jouez en théâtre : »Je suis celui qui suit, donc : me voici j’y suis ! Présent en conscience Tribuana à votre service, pour la joie d’une célébration»
- Au théâtre l’espace temps accessoires répondent. Que fais-je, pour être content ? Comptant ! Bon compte.
- Le regret d’un temps d’un jour dure toujours. Vous qui habitent le temps. Qu’y a-t-il dans ce temps sans commencement ni fin. Soyez conscient honorer le TEMPS.
Dans ce lien, il y a 280 parole de sagesse sélection Tribuana :
pourquoi 6 choix, 6 possibilité de s'engager dans ce "serment"?
Pour bien comprendre, avant de faire un serment.
cliquer dessus, pour avoir une base en commun quest ce que c'est un serment:
1.serment de fidélité
2. serment en droit, serment judiciaire.
3. Serment en politique, fidélité et dévouement gouvernemental.
4; serment initiatique d'un rite religieuse.
Ou se place votre serment? A vous de choisir, dans cette époque de troisième millinaire, que la lumière intérieure est fondamentalement necéssaire pour éclairage personnelle, avec tout information en internet, tout tentation dans la vie, toute saleté de produit et la pureté du monde menacée, ou la réligion n'est plus seulement une voie pour cultiver une comportement en esprit examplaire, sagesse, repaire en harmonie avec le mondes et SON CREATEUR, la voie de la paix, ..... paix dans le monde et paix en soi.
Alors, les 5 ...... dessous peut être avoir des échelles de grade, vous pouvez considérer comme:
- Condition, condition si vous voulez entrer, s'engager avec la voie Tribuana de la vie, de comportement dans la vie relationnelle avec autrui, les autre humain, animale, végétale, minéraux et entourage. Attitude facultative, être dehors ou dedans.
- Règle, ah, ici, vous accepter à respecter comme règles, comme les règles de jeu, règles de conduire la voiture en respectant les panneaux de circulation, etc. Être dehors ou dedans.
- Engagement, vous êtes déjà dedans, avoir un contrat de travail par exemple, etc.
- Résolution, vous êtes résolue de s'engager de l'intérieur, car il sont devenue votre choix devenu résolution, tout empêchement est résolu par 5 résolution.
- Vœux, résolution plus engagement total en pensée, énergie/émotions, corps/matérialisation/moyen matérielle (TriBuana), avec conviction, conscience d'impulsion interne plus profond d’intérieurement.
- Serment, c'est le sommet d'engagement fidèle dévoué, total, engagement avec conscience d'esprit la vie, dont l'esprit qui anime la matière corporelle, GRANDE CRÉATEUR.
II. Être sincère, honnête, claire, direct et essentielle.
III. Honorer sa connaissance, son travail /sa profession.
IV. Être en harmonie avec le monde, avec l’entourage.
V. Maîtrise de soi, réveiller et cultiver et maitriser le maître intérieur.
Cette 5 références sont inspirer de 5 serment de Panchak Silat de la Grue Blanche (BANGAU PUTIH) de Bogor, Indonésie que j'ai pratiqué, initié à Jogyakarta, central Java, avec Bengkel TEATER de W.S.Rendra, lors de notre préparation pour la création de Macbeth, Shakespeare en 1971.(si mes mémoire encore bon sur l'année)
Pour le travail Tribuana des « trois mondes humain » de Tapa Sudana,, Cette 5 références sont inspirer de 5 serment de Panchak Silat de la Grue Blanche (BANGAU PUTIH) de Bogor, Indonésie que j'ai pratiqué, initié à Jogyakarta, central Java, avec Bengkel TEATER de W.S.Rendra, lors de notre préparation pour la création de Macbeth, Shakespeare en 1971.(si mes mémoire encore bon sur l'année)
Montreuil, Lundi, mise à jour le 6 mars 2016. 07h41
(klick for other images of lessons)
3 worlds, 3 references of how to be, 3 references of doing things in life, 3 references in action. To install a habit in life that change ....... (life, result, quality of ..... , character, destiny, ....) it takes time, needs understanding, energy and daily action. We need everybody's participation in preparing the space, in taking the decision, for common interest, it is a work of a constellation/a togetherness.
In Tribuana 5 days residential workshop, we try to explore a "new" way of life, of doing thing, of behaving, of habits. The aims also to bring home some exercise, daily exercise to do, alone or in group. Doing thing together with others that involve thought, energy of life/emotion, movements. The 22 "lessons" are there to chose as instruments to explore, to practice. Tribuana theatre is a way, or an instrument to partice/to use.
Actually, 2014, the tribuana lessons contains 27 fields to explore. klick here
Actually, 2014, the tribuana lessons contains 27 fields to explore. klick here
The working-time could be spread from 5H30 in the morning until .....before dinner, to be fixed together. Each lesson preferable to do in a certain time of the day. This idea will change our habit and we need to adapt ourselves with the demand of the lesson. A considerable effort is needed. The comfortable feeling is not always there during the period of installation of a new habit.
As the one who guide the workshop, I try to feed human tribuana with "food". Food for the head (the triangle part) food for the round/circle: the emotional energy part, and food for the square/ the body part by doing movements: silat, Tongkat, Koukoul Jagat, tai chi .... see below the diagram of tribuana and the 22 lessons.
Tripass and Totem are personal-work that can give you an image of inner reflexion/mirror.
In doing the exercise, please don't think and do like school habit where the feeling of making mistake stick on you, where spirit of competiton drag you by trying to do the best, ..... but please try to be and to do in a natural way. Difficulties will be there but not let those difficulties to stop you. Not stoping by facility and difficulty, just go on the "way". If you feel that you can not do, mind you that you are always "can" do; you can, just accept in what level you are, like the tree and time, everyting is growing. When you doing is easy, try not to be satisfied and stop in that level, there always a growing value to grow, to work onward. Be patient and keep working on, find where is the "work", by the time we are doing, thing will develop, with time even cow can transform grass into milk. Hmm, ... Perseverence will bring fruit, and intelligence is an illuminated-direction to follow.
All concept will be put into question. Everything will be ajust and be harmonized with time, space and situation ..... that we will built it together. All type of question will be welcome. Answers will grow. Everybody try to pro-pose answers. If we invite the great-mind within us, we will be on the way of a great answer. Beyond the brain that produce intelligence there are MIND that remind us that we are not just we are; there are something plus inside us if we allow a space for THAT THING that remind us. What is that? Word can not name it; the work will give us image, words, sensation, experience of THAT THING that will enrich our vocabulary, experience that will create our expression, tribuanic expression: words, emotional/energy/voice, movement/physical expression.
Awakening and cultivating the expression is the work. Expression can be read as a mirror. Personal mirror or group mirror. The form could be theatrical, tribuanic theatrical expression. To express the inner "treasure" is leting grow onself like flower /plants in spring, is celebrating our nature, to be healthy, to be in harmony withsurrounding, with cosmic energy, with cosmic climate.
In a residential workshop, a personal work is possible as also a group work (how far? .... let's try and see), I will try to make those two ways possible ....... with you.
What do we need for this type of workshop? We need tribuanic health, be open, have some empty space inside to cultivate a "work", interest on other people as you interest to develope yourself, find and create a common language to be able to exchange thought/idea/mistery, to understand - to express- and to do "work" alone or with others.
Tribuanic questionnaire is important to to so everybody can have information on others. (As far you open yourself to others as deep as the work will be). You may take the freedom to open or to close yourself, the way you link yourself with the world around you.
here some other reference for acting.
145 cristal words tribuana,
for tribuana tree of contemplation, tree of pondering;
Points of references, crystal sentences,
opinions, road signs, to be or not to be but how,….:
1. Roots: unseen, rooted foundation.
2. Awaken the mind without fixing it anywhere, but over all.
3. In the “three worlds” (body, emotion, thought), everything depends on the
4. Nothing is either god or bad, but thinking makes it so.
5. Day after day after day the sun rises in the east; day after day the sun
set in the west. East and west start and end the day.
6. Gazing at the flowers of the morning glory I eat my breakfast; beauty is
truth; truth: beauty.
7. The clear stream never ceases to flow; the evergreen trees never lose
their green. Constancy last forever.
8. This morning a nameless hill is veiled with mist; please put my soul at
9. Not my thorns that protect me, said the rose, but my perfume.
10. The wind has no wants; your everyday mind that is the way.
11. Let the nature be your teacher; do one utmost in all thing.
12. The mind is a clear mirror, dust free, unseen beauty.
13. What is death, we are seven; what is life, we are seven.
14. If you don’t know life how can you know death?
15. Stillness penetrates rock and rolls still.
16. Non-dependent on words in writing, directly pointing to the nature of
17. Non-dependent on words in speaking, directly pointing to the nature of
18. Cowards die many times before death.
19. The miserable has no other medicine but hope. I have hope to live, I am
prepared to die.
20. One, who has attained mastery in art, reveals it in his every action.
21. Knowing others is wisdom; knowing oneself is enlightenment.
22. Nothing is impossible to a willing mind.
23. When you are seeking it, you cannot find it.
24. For the uncontrolled there is no wisdom, no power of concentration, no
peace; for the unpeacefull, how can there be happiness?
25. Patience, the essential quality of man.
26. Power of mind is infinite while brawn/muscle is limited.
27. Flow with whatever may happen and let your mind be free.
28. Stay centred by accepting whatever you are doing; be entirely total and
do one utmost in all things.
29. Drive your emotions or it will drive you. The angry man will defeat
himself in the battle as well as in life.
30. Let the light without shadows guide you. Brighter the light, darker will
31. Let your mind flows. The mind of a prefect man is like a mirror, it
reflects but not holds; it grasps nothing, it expects nothing. The perfect acts
without effort.
32. Entirely in yet detached; act fully free.
33. As long as you remain in one extreme way or the other, you will never
know the centre: the oneness.
34. The way is perfect like vast space where nothing is lacking or in
35. The disease of the mind is the struggle between what one likes and what
one dislikes.
36. If you wish to see the truth, then hold no opinion for or against.
37. A smallest distinction set infinitely apart heaven and hell.
38. Love: living the reality of others.
39. When love and hate are both absent, everything become one, clear and
40. The great-way is not difficult for those who have no preference.
41. Words! The way is beyond language, for in it there is no yesterday nor
tomorrow nor today.
42. If only the eyes never sleep, all dreams will naturally cease.
43. Thoughts give birth words; words give birth action; actions give birth
habits; actions give birth character; character carries you to your destiny.
Then, how to improve destiny?
44. To be or not to be, but how?
45. Simplicity is essential. A simple-man is a man that acts the essential
46. Whosoever would save his soul shall lose it. When you posses nothing how
can you lose it?
47. The last shall be the first if you make it so; that is the first last,
long life the everlasting.
48. A turning wheel carries an immobile centre.
49. Energy is muscle, energy is food, energy material, energy is emotion,
energy is thought, energy is mind, energy is light and shadow, energy is
silent, in emptiness there is still energy.
50. Even the darkest day carries light.
51. He/she, who master him/herself, has no other master.
52. Seeking the brightest light, carrying the darkest shadow.
53. What links us together, cannot be sensed, beyond the thought, cannot be
wet by water, cannot be burnt by fire, cannot be dried by the wind, without
beginning nor end.
54. Hands are gest-ing our comprehension. Do read gesture!
55. Posture: immobile movement is the beginning of inner intension into
56. Silence carries music that produces silence, “musical silence”.
57. I serve you, to be able to understand how possible you serve me, so we
could serve “something” together.
- To see myself in you, to lose
and to find oneself in others, to get him, to get her, together. One in
two. One in three. One in multiple.
- Act the multiple-one then the
multiple-one will acts is the secret to be everywhere.
- Like fire in the flint,
luminous knowledge exists in the mind; suggestion is the friction, which
bring it out.
- A great being told by their
common actions.
- Character is manufactured by
“karma”, manifestation of the will.
- Learn and earn. No one get
anything unless they earn it. Learn from what you earn, as far as your
- All work is simply to bring out
the power of the mind, which is already there to wake up the soul.
- The power is inside every human
being, so is the knowledge; the different works are like blows to bring
them out, to cause these giant to wake up.
- In the midst of the greatest
silence and solitude, find the most intense activity; and in the midst of
the most intense activity find the silence and the solitude of the desert.
- Duty and morality vary under
different circumstance.
- Unity in variety is the natural
plan of the creation.
- Nature is composed of three
elements: 1.Inactivity, darkness, inertness (“TAMAS”); 2.Activity,
attraction or repulsion (“RAJAS”); 3.Equilibrium of TAMAS AND RAJAS:
- Vibration of mind goes with
vibration of breath. Find mind: find breath. Work on both toward the true
- Silence in the mind, silence in
the breath. The thought is silence. The thought is silenced.
- The soul is like a traveller,
who has set in a journey of life in the chariot of body; driven by the
intellect (BUDDHI), with the mind for the reins, and the sense organs
being the horses. The objects of experience form the way to be traversed.
- The soul, the senses and the
mind together form the enjoyer of pleasure and pain that is the
- If the mind is not properly
controlled, then the senses go out of hand like untrained horses. Free the
mind to remain free!
- If only I could free myself.
- A candle loses nothing of its
light by lighting another candle or by placing it in a bright sunshine.
- Everything exists in relation
to other things.
- The reality of the life are
most truly seen in everyday things and actions;
- Everything exists according to
its own nature. Our individual perception of worth, correctness, beauty,
size and value exist inside our head, not out side them;
- The self and the rest of the
universe are not a separate entities but one functioning whole.
- Man arises from nature and gets
along most effectively by collaborating with nature, rather than trying to
master it.
- True inside does not come from
specialized knowledge.
- In emptiness form are born.
When one becomes empty of the assumptions, inferences and judgements
acquired over the years, one comes closer to the original nature and is
capable of conceiving original ideas and reacting freshly.
- Thinking and acting. Being a
spectator while one is also a participant spoils one’s performance.
Entirely in yet free and centred, ready to follow the flow of nature, the
flow of reality.
- Accept insecurity and commit
oneself to the unknown, creates a relaxing faith in the universe.
- One can live only in the
present moment. Repeated action makes practise, practise give experience,
experience grows faith, faith give birth relax and easy feeling, a path is
being opened to tranquillity, peacefulness and freedom.
- The living process and the
words about it are not the same, and should not be treated as equal in
- Each of us develops onto a
unique individual who enters into unique transactions with the world.
- Snowflakes are one of the
nature’s most fragile things, but just look what they can do when they
stick together.
- Dropping anxieties, lead into
faith. To live in faith is the road to non-duality.
- Voices of two bells that speak
from twilight temples. Ah, what a cool dialogue.
- New Year’s day. What I feel
goes beyond words. I am wondering the age of God.
- Renew oneself through
self-freedom-realisation, on the way that leads you from timeless to
- The confidence of faith comes
through experience.
- Nothing ventured, nothing
- When you drink water don’t
forget its source. Spring from the initial.
- A moment of failure contains
- He’s a fool who plays it cool
by making his world a little colder.
- A sharp knife shapes the wood;
sharp words shape the self.
- To understand a person be aware
of three points: 1:Observe the means they use and their behaviour. 2:
Understand their goal, or their aims in action. 3:Comprehend where they
lay their satisfaction, happiness and joy.
- Between you and me there are
works to be developed, there are story to be told, there are life to be
improved, there are love to be cultivated.
- To be in good form for a
performance, get the right information for self-formation, work on idea,
reformation: confirmation lead to action.
- Like a puppet-master an actor
articulates the three worlds: body, emotion and mind.
- Smile like a flower blooms.
- As legs and arms are the
members of the body, experiences to re-member yourself.
- A comprehensible advice
sometimes is helpful, opens the way and clarifies the mind.
- Actors played by the text, by
something inside the text that is not in the words.
- Open up to the world and the
world opens you up. See the world till you have it in mind.
- You shall know a word by the
company it keeps.
- To destroy, to vanish an image
from the eyes is to put it in the mind, to remind it as a memory to
- Existences change its
manifestations. (What is real to you?)
- A silence contains whatever you
are able to fill it, to give it.
- Listen a silence is to catch
and to feed a chance.
- Living immobility is to be with
surroundings, to be harmonious; it is a work to develop.
- Give up, to give new meaning,
new life, to forgive.
- Find the work and enjoy your
existence in every moment of your life. (How does it work)
- When you receive light you
carry shadow, and when you are in a shadow you are sure there must be
light somewhere near you to find.
- Do your action as if the last
act of your life.
- A perpetual adjustment is in
action whether you are aware or not.
- Reading a
signification/meanings in a quality of continuous-touch.
- Touching, teaching.
- Learning, earning.
- What are you doing now will be
the road for the future generation.
- Your existence is a necessity.
Who for? It is a perpetual adjustment!
- Actor is being acted by the
essence of the sentence (text) that is the spirit of words.
- The art of “mise-en-scène” is
like the process of metamorphoses of water: steam to water and then water
to solid, the realisation from the invisible to visible.
- Words set free, reveal and
imprison thought.
- Word and thought, cover and
discover each other. Language is the master.
- Thought: the way to realise
- Pure intelligence like harmony
both is the way to comprehend nature.
- False intelligence often
produces excuses.
- Deal with good and bad,
positive and negative, like and dislike, emotions dominate the action.
- Male and female create the
energy of love, creative creation.
How to love, how to make love?
- When material moves
passionately the action, when passion animates the thought/the mind, when
mind and spirit delude into “emptiness/ nothingness”, then GOD is there to
represent the missing link, the “invisible reality”. Do we treat GOD
correctly as GOD was one and will always be one and multiple at the same time,
yet everywhere presents forever.
- The mystery is incomprehensible
because it comprehends us all.
- Great thing create silence and
immobility of great quality.
- The unperturbed is always
moving in balance and harmony, sometimes in invisible actions.
- To be at ease, in harmony and
now is a sign of perfection.
- Master, how do you breathe? I
can’t hear! “The pore, tool of osmoses”, speak the hole.
- To learn, behaving always like
an empty bowl to give space for others within.
- Accept!?! When one is without concept!
- To communicate: to be come one,
in come one, in common, in community of….? (of same vibration)
- Music produces the silence that carries it. What kind of
silence? Is the quality of the music!
- Now, is experiencing what to
do, living a present reality.
- The present time, where and
when past and future meet and create.
Any question is welcome, write to
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