Monday, April 03, 2006

Some points for group work in Tri Buana way

Some points for group work in Tri Buana way
When Easter springs in April at la Luna nel Pozzo, Ostuni, Italia: 10 - 17 april 2006

The past carry you to this very present, a good present open the future,
a page of living book
in the university of life
Meeting of many people for a work, for a creation, for building a way to the very near future or the very far one.

The first step, is how to be present in a good Tri Buanic health.

Then ready to open yourself as an empty bowl (of wondering Buddhist monk), a bowl that is used as a begging instrument, to beg the food of life, TriBuanicly. To make it a bit clear, TriBuanic is Three worlds/points of seeing and functioning in action, could be thought, emotion, body, could be mind, speech and action, etc.
To open to others to understand other participants, arising interest on others and surrounding.

To create a feeling of oneness among member, to be a solid one group, that means to have a common interest for a period of time in space and situation.

The fourth steps is to create a common language, common creative language, evaluative, theatrical, universal, professional, depend on the subject, and the goal/ the aim.

The fifth step, is the step to work together on a subject to develop together, to enjoy it, to live it with good time (bonheur).
The success at the beginning is not the main aim. The well being, the building up the way of life are to be put on first interest. It may take all lifetime; then in this case the way become the aim, to enjoy. Hopefully the way will fill by a sparkling moment of joy. The question is "what for those beautiful art?" Is it art the aim of life? To be or not to be like that? (halo, Hamlet? )
Where is "love"? But before putting this loving ingredient in the work, we may need to examine what is in this word "love". What is in every word that mind use to remind us its origin.
This water is clear and nice to drink. Hey, where is the fountain comes from? What is its ingredients?
To understand what someone looking for, what someone searching for is useful to help us where, how they go.
Criteria of their satisfaction is also important to comprehend, as well as the manner, the means they use and their behavior.

Working on the character that carry someone to their destiny. The character is build by daily work on habit. Habit construct by repeated action. Action comes from thought/idea. So let us step carefully on the ladder (stairway) of the destiny: idea - actions - habit - character - destiny.

Knowing oneself is illumination, knowing others and surround is wisdom.

When one is entirely solid and flexibly resistance, behave harmoniously with surroundings and this "some one" carry other participants in "oneself", (that means one understand the multiple ), in that way one action have more chance to carry other participants/members intentions. One consciousness become multiple. Vaster. Grand. The multiple act in one. One (with grand a consciousness) acts by the multiple. Hhh hmm, you can imagine the power. This ACTOR is animated by the invisible one-multiple. This invisible could be an idea, a song, a movement in mind, a word, a story, rhythm, ... bon voyage.

please ponder on image past, present, future below, and some other article on Tri Buana in order to find the blooming benefit for the head, feeling/emotions and body (in action). One point that guides carry the other two points/references.

Either it was good or not what you have done, the criteria is to be observe the inner change (transformation) inside oneself, the different sensation you obtain between before and after action. But to remember, this "personal" feeling must be already formed/transformed by multiple surroundings. Ah ha, it is a circling process.

The form being informed is transformed by the performance.

As an informer, being transformed by the information, the knowledge and by the way.
As a transmitter, as being transmitted and become an heritor of “something”.
As Easter springs in April at La Luna nel Pozzo, Ostuni Italia
To transmit in the way of Tongkat has informed you with a pleasure to share in the spirit of offering
Aware (being conscious) that the sky always look at you, our dear one earth always carry and support you, the future waiting for you and the past life make you stand present here now, so

I hope during two days and two night time of knowing others and the way, with out holding the priority what is right nor who is right, just to be please to taste and to share the sweat of a Tri Buanic life time work, this will give the reason to be together, to fill the lifetime in sparkling experience that may bring light in the future.

When you find yourself in front of a group-work, please look at 30 points to considers how a “master” behaves in front of his/her “disciple” ; somewhere in this 3 blog there may be points of references like the 9 steps, 5 wishes, 15 points of references, 143 crystal sentences in English and 198 in French, … in Italian, … Spanish, …greek, … :
Mastering the art of transmission is to find the chance to practice it in lifetime.

First step is to transmit what you have in your bibliotheca of mind (as a reminder) to be done physically with a living energy (Ki, Chi, Prana, Pnefma, Bayu, Energy)

Energy? Is may time, voice, sound, words, material, even in immobile emptiness dwell energy. (Halo Stephen Hawking and Einstein, your light please)

Here are some pro position:
1. Marco Silat & Tao 5 elements
2. Max & Manolis Musical Tongkat & Tao 5 elements
3. Giulio Tai chi Tribuana & Tao 5 elements
4. Paola Chikung & tao 5 elements
5. Robert Totem and space & Tao 5 elements
6. Luciano Kyu Do & Tao 5 elements
7. Carlotta group free taichi mouvement &Tao 5 element
8. the Greeks (Jeni, Manolis, and Stella) teach some Greek songs & dance.
9. sit quiet in the morning ....everybody to get your clean clear Zero.
10. For Tao TriBuanic health, everybody help giving a complement information and indication on practical exercise with comprehension that what you pro-pose is an act of exercising to produce an offering with awareness and acceptance that may be nobody agree, but when everybody try to taste and to do, we have already living a moment together, a way to share. Tolerance demand intelligent to understand and opening a way to co-habit; enthusiasm is to be driven and guided by bright intelligent, creative idea and love caring on the way of harmony.
Learning other ethnic song and dance is also a way to understand and enjoy a culture, a tradition, an art of survival. During the break time as a breakfast time to learn/ to eat new songs to enjoy. Smiling is way to help each other; inner smile is better and not very expensive to produce, isn’t it? Ha ha. Hh hmm.
Success or not, good or bad, right or wrong, by deep practices time will tells the way and reveal the truth. When? It is depend on the density of the work and the way, how and what have you charged in “time-line” of the past, present and future.

(to be continued)

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